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Common Activities / Events of Malwanchal University

मालवांचल यूनिवर्सिटी में मतदाता जागरूकता की शपथ

06th November, 2023

मालवांचल यूनिवर्सिटी में मतदाता जागरूकता की शपथ

मालवांचल यूनिवर्सिटी इंडेक्स समूह संस्थान द्वारा छात्रों और शिक्षकों को मतदाता जागरूकता की शपथ दिलाई गई। मतदान के प्रति सभी को जागरूक करने के साथ अधिक से अधिक मतदाता को मतदान के लिए प्रेरित करने के उद्देश्य से यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा सभी संस्थानों यह कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया। इंडेक्स समूह के चेयरमैन सुरेशसिंह भदौरिया व वाइस चेयरमैन मयंकराज सिंह भदौरिया ने मतदाता जागरूकता कार्यक्रम की सराहना की और सभी से मतदान करने की अपील भी की।इस अवसर पर मालवांचल यूनिवर्सिटी के प्रो.वाइस चांसलर,रजिस्ट्रार लोकेश्वर सिंह जोधाना सहित सभी शिक्षक और विभागाध्यक्ष उपस्थित थे।कर्मचारियो को वोट करने के लाभ, वोटर आईडी कार्ड का महत्व, और मतदान के बारे में सभी जानकारी दी गई।

World Physiotherapy Congress organised the 5th International Physiotherapy Conference

04th to 05th November, 2023

World Physiotherapy Congress organised the 5th International Physiotherapy Conference Janardhan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth (deemed to-be University), Udaipur, Rajasthan on 4th-5th November 2023. The theme “Telehealth rehabilitation, exploring the landscape of HealthCare system from Pre COVID-19 pandemic to Post-COVID era.

Malwanchal University, Indore being its one of the academic partners played a major role on its success.

Awards –
1. Academic Excellence Award – Dr. Reshma Khurana ,Principal Index Department of Physiotherapy & Paramedical Sciences
2. Scientific Paper Presentation – Dr. Arpita Mishra, Assistant Professor , IDOPT.

The participation rate from Malwanchal University run Index department of physiotherapy and paramedical sciences was 100%. Faculties and students participate in various events including scientific sessions and cultural events
Solo Singing - Ist Prize
Ms.Charu Powar

Duet Singing - Ist Prize
Ms. Charu Powar
Mr. Gourang Panchole

Fashion Show - Ist Prize
Ms. Shraddha Takoliya
Mr. Shritik Patil

On 5th International Physiotherapy Conference 2023 Day 1 of Conference Students have attended various sessions of on the theme “Telehealth rehabilitation, exploring the landscape of HealthCare system from Pre COVID-19 pandemic to Post-COVID era.

And the students and faculties from Malwanchal University presented paper and posters that day in the afternoon.

Later in the evening of the same day students have took participation in group dance performaned on theme “Sashakt Naari”

The participants for the group dance are
Nandini Chavhan (BPT 4th year)
Divyani Chouhan (BPT 3rd year)
Garima Rathore (BPT 3rd year)
Yashvi Bajpai (BPT 3rd year)
Kritika Patidar (BPT 2nd year)
Dishika Agrawal (BPT 2nd year)
Anjali Jaiswal (BPT 2nd year)
Kunjika Nargesh (BPT 2nd year)
Varsha Patidar (BPT 2nd year)
Vaishnavi Verma( BPT 2nd year)

Duet Dance by
1.Divyani Chouhan (BPT 2nd year)
2. Vaishnaavi Verma (BPT 1st year)

Solo Dance by Shubhanshu Yadav (BPT 4th year)

Solo singing by Charu Pawar (BPT 2nd year)
Duet singing by Charu Pawar (BPT 2nd year)and Gauransh (BPT 2nd year)
Ramp Walk fashion show by Shraddha Takoliya (BPT 4th year) and Shritik Patil (BPT 4th year)
Later day was concluded with dinner.

On Day 2, on (05/11/23) students have presented scientific paper ,poster and scientific Model Later in the evening, The whole Conference was concluded with closing ceremony and price distribution.

BPT 2nd year gained the first place in duet singing competition. Ms Charu from BPT 2nd year won the 1st place in solo singing competition as well. From BPT 4th year, Ms. Shraddha and Mr. Shritik Patil gained the first place for Fashion show under the theme of brides and grooms of India.

The whole Conference Session organised in udaipur was a complete success and knowledgeable.

International speakers come across to provide knowledge in brief about the various

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