Common Activities / Events of Malwanchal University
Participation of Malwanchal University in the "Study in Gujarat" Higher Education Fair 2020
21st January, 2020
Malwanchal University officials participated in the "Study in Gujarat" Higher Education Fair 2020 that was conducted in Indore in the presence of respected Vice-Chancellors of the said Universities.
One of the main coordinators of this education fair was:
Dr. Anil Managutti,
Professor & Head,
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Narsinbhai Patel Dental College & Hospital,
Sankalchand Patel Gujarat University
External Affairs,
Sankalchand Patel Gujarat University,
The following officials of Malwanchal University attended this education fair on behalf of Malwanchal University, Indore:
- Dr. Shubash Chandra Arya,
Malwanchal University - Dr. Hemani Sukhija,
Professor & HOD,
Dept. of Oral Pathology & Oral Microbiology,
Index Institute of Dental Sciences,
Malwanchal University
Assistant Registrar,
Malwanchal University. - Mrs. Sonika Shrivastav,
Index Department of Pharmacy
Assistant Registrar,
Malwanchal University.
Various officials from Universities of Gujarat state participated in this education fair. These Universities had put up stalls in this education fair and displayed their reading materials and provided the highlights of their respective Universities through their informative words, powerpoint slides as well as videos of their Universities.
Officials from many Universities from Indore and around attended with education fair along with their students. This gave a platform of education opportunity in the form of an education fair under one roof.
The education fair provided information for education related opportunities under one roof.
Seminar under IQAC on Gender Equality - Not just Empowering Women but Human Rights
14th November, 2019
As India slowly enters a new phase of development, the social problem of gender equality still lingers and hampers modernization and progress. The problem of gender issues discriminate against women and these issues can be seen to be as old as the existence of civilization. These issues are also prevalent in most societies. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable society. Every human being in the society must take bold and stable steps towards breaking the norms of biased defined roles in the society.
India is taking a pivotal role in taking significant strides towards addressing gender inequality, especially in the areas of political participation, education, legal rights and the like. These steps will hopefully benefit society and humanity at large.
Malwanchal University, thus foresees the development of plans to promote the potentials and talents of all students and University employees as well as the possibilities for personality development to enable them to realize the pain of discrimination which girls ans women at large go through right from conception throughout their life.
In view of the above, a seminar was organized on the theme "Gender Equality - Not just Empowering Women but Human Rights".
This attention occupying seminar was organised by Malwanchal University on the event of Former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Birth Anniversary under the guidance of Shri Suresh Singh Bhadoria (Chairman, Mayank Welfare Society) and Shri N.K. Tripathi (Vice-Chancellor, Malwanchal University). The programme was inagurated with the traditional Lamp Lighting Ceremony by the esteemed dignitaries.
Dr. Shubhash Chandra Arya (Registrar, Malwanchal University) delivered an introductory speech about Malwanchal University to the audience.
The esteemed dignitaries and respected guests were felicitated by Dr. Vijendra Kumar Singh (Additional Registrar, Malwanchal University), Dr. S.M. Holkar (Dean, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Malwanchal University) and Mrs. Chitra Khirwadkar (Deputy Director, Administration).
This seminar was organised under the wings of Malwanchal University by Prof.Mrs.Aline Upadhyay (Index Nursing College, Malwanchal University).
The sessions encompassed the following topics covering women’s issues in historical perspective:
- Gender Equity in Education
Speaker: Dr. Prateek Shrivastav
(Editor-in-Chief of Digiana News Channel)
Chief Guest -
Problems of Working Women
Speaker: Shrimati Mala Singh Thakur
(Public Relations Officer cum Social Worker)
Guest Speaker - Legal Rights of Female Child and Women including various Acts to Protect them
Speaker: Shri Anil Kumar Shrivastava,
(Lokpal, Malwanchal University) - Problem of Girl Child and Adolescent Females including their Medical Needs
Speakers: Dr.Priyanka and Dr.Prathista
(Pediatric Department, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Center)
Shri N.K. Tripathi (Vice-Chancellor, Malwanchal University) presented the memento to the Chief Guest Dr. Prateek Shrivastav (Editor-in-Chief of Digiana News Channel).
The programme wound up with the Vote of Thanks by Mr. Rajesh Prajapat (Index Nursing College, Malwanchal University).
News Release:
URL weblink:

MOU of Malwanchal University with the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and Cambridge Assessment English:
16th July, 2019
Malwanchal University facilitated by MPPURC has signed an MOU with the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate and Cambridge Assessment English. This will enhance the skill of communication in English of teachers and students.
Our Institutions
Malwanchal University
Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Center
Index Institute of Dental Sciences
Index Nursing College
Department of Physiotherapy and Paramedical Sciences
Department of Pharmacy
Index Institute of Pharmacy
Index Ayurvedic College Hospital & Research Centre
Index Homoeopathic College Hospital & Research Centre
Department of Management
Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Other Courses