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Common Activities / Events of Malwanchal University

Index Institute of Dental Sciences student street play on Periodontist Day (Gum Health Day)

25th February, 2023

In Malwanchal University the students of Index Institute of Dental Sciences presented before the Vice Chancellor, N K Tripathi a street play on Periodontist Day (Gum Health Day). The play explained the ways for the up keep of oral hygiene. Earlier this play was exhibited at Rajwada in the heart of Indore city. The Vice Chancellor and the Registrar Dr M Christopher and Dr. Satish Karandikar distributed the certificates for various competitions held on this occasion.

Latest Trends in Mental Healthcare’ organised by Index Nursing College

15th March, 2023

‘Latest Trends in Mental Healthcare’ organised by Index Nursing College one session of the seminar on the ‘Latest Trends in Mental Healthcare’ organised by Index Nursing College. The World Health Organisation defines mental health as a “state of well-being, where an individual realises his capabilities, can cope with normal stressors of life, work productively, and is able to contribute to his community”. Any deviation from this, results into various degrees and varieties of mental illness. It is observed that cases of mental illness are increasing in India. Approximately 10% or 15 crore Indians require some psychological or psychiatric help. Out of these about one crore people are in deplorable situation and cannot take care of themselves. A big awareness drive is required to consider the mental illness as any other illness. The feeling of stigma attached to the mentally sick person and to the family members must be removed. Depression and anxiety are the most prevalent mental illness and almost everyone suffers from it at some stage of his life. Persons under depression also have suicidal tendencies. A psychiatric treatment can easily treat even in the most severe depression. The government has allotted over 900 crore for mental, at some stage of your life people under depression also have suicidal tendencies. A psychiatric treatment can easily treat even in the most severe depression. The government has allotted over 900 crore or mental illness, but this amount is nothing compared to the gigantic scale of mental illness. Presently we have only 9000 psychiatrists in India whereas minimum four times of this number are required to attend to this problem. The public support and political will are prerequisites for tackling this problem.

Report on "National Periodontist Day" celebrations at Index Institute of Dental Sciences, A Constituent unit of Malwanchal University, Indore (M.P)

23rd February, 2023

Report of the National Periodontist Day, 2023
(Click here to view)

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