What a Resounding Success of Facial Floss Workshop. “ Ability.
This is the first time in Central India, “The Fascial Flossing” International workshop is held and was organized by Index Department of Physiotherapy and Paramedical Sciences, Malwanchal University, Indore on 29th June 2022 to 30th June 2022.
The workshop started with the lightening of the lamp by Dr. Reshma Khurana,( Principal, Index Department Of Physiotherapy and Paramedical Science), , Dr Christian Villella, ( PT,DO,PhD Bsc, Creator Facial Floss President, Itallian Association Of Professional Osteopaths Director, Spine Creator Bolzano, Italy), Dr. M.Christopher, Registrar, Malwanchal University, Dr. G.S.Patel, Dean, Index Medical College, all the faculty members and students of institution were present.
Dr Christian Vilaella explained “THE FLOSSING TECHNIQUE” by applying a FASCIQ Floss band to the area to be treated while increasing pressure, a fascial blockage is created. The tissue is bound tight & fluid flows in this area are interrupted. He also explained that tissue flossing can improve the range of motion or performance, speed up recovery, and decrease the pain caused by various disease or injuries.
We are very grateful to our Dr. Christian Villella that the insight he gave our students is immense and the nuances that he acknowledge were of great help to students.
The media coverage was also covered and advertised on Newspaper and Social Media page Facebook page, Instagram & Youtube.
The resourse persons educated students for various License examination like The national physical therapy exam (NPTE), is the licensing exam for practicing as a physical therapist (PT) or physical therapist assistant (PTA).The Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE) is qualified test to Practice as a Registered Physiotherapist in Canada.
Total 150 Students of, BPT I, II , III , IV and Intern attended this "Choices after Graduation “seminar for the first time. This programmed was Organized by Dr. Reshma Khurana, Principal Paramedical Courses and coordinated by Dr. Vaishali Patel, Faculty IDOPT.
The faculty members Dr. Arpita Mishra, Dr. Ruchi Saxena , Dr. Shivi Trivedi, Dr Payal Jain , Dr Vidhi Tiwari and Dr. Vaishali Patel were also present.