Regular lectures and seminars are conducted for undergraduate students. Tutorials are taken for students with special needs. Hands on teaching is conducted during practical sessions by individual faculty.
A part from Theoretical lectures, Clinical postings are a must for students to Experience and understand the problems and complaints that patients present with. From II BPT onwards, students are posted (under supervision) in Physiotherapy OPD’s and medical wards, so that they interact with, evaluate and treat patients.
The laboratotry technician students are posted in various in patient wards in the hospital and central pathology of index hospital,wherin they learn sample collection techniques to report making.
Evaluation of student performance is done formatively and summatively during the course. Case presentations, short tests, assignments, mock exams are part of formative assessment and terminals and prelims are part of the summative assessment. Students are given feedback regarding their performance and also instructed on how to improve further. University exams are held once, at the end of academic year.
Students must complete the journals following each practical class/clinical work. The journals are assigned marks during terminals, prelims and university exams. Problem based and case based learning is also advocated to facilitate process of self learning.
Advanced teaching aids are used to facilitate learning. The college provides facilities like laptops, LCD projectors, internet etc. Powerpoint presentations are used to facilitate learning.
College advocates the use of advanced teaching learning methods for better student understanding. Interactive sessions through quiz, role play, practical demonstrations and class presentations encourage student participation.Problem and case based learning techniques inculcate active learning. Advanced student assessment methods like Objective structured practical and clinical evaluation are used and online satisfaction Feedback Survey for students, alumni, and faculties help us to keep upgrading in our approaches.