PS01. Apply the knowledge of pharmaceutical and allied sciences in design, manufacture and evaluation of drug delivery systems of tablet, syrup, &all dosage forms of medications.
PSO2. To perform classical and modern analysis of APIs (Active pharmaceutical ingredients) and formulations in the quality control and enforce the quality assurance standards.
PSO3. To appreciate the mechanism of action of drugs including their kinetics and adverse drug reactions.
PSO4. To be able to do basic evaluation of bioactivity of drugs in in-silicon in vitro & in vivo models.
PSO5. To apply the knowledge of medicinal chemistry, natural drugs in drug design and synthesis.
PSO6. To know the importance of drugs derived from natural sources & Ayurvedic and herbal drug.
PSO7. To Act responsibly towards environment, follow ethical principles.
PSO8. To be able to comprehend, interpreted apply laws pertinent to spheres of pharmaceutical and allied domains.