
Lab of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

List of Experiments:

  1. Determination of bulk density and particle density, Aggregate analysis, Soil strength.
  2. Soil moisture determination, Soil moisture constants – Field capacity.
  3. Demonstration of Infiltration rate.
  4. Demonstration of water holding capacity.
  5. Demonstration of soil texture and mechanical analysis.
  6. Demonstration of Soil temperature analysis.
  7. Collection and processing of soil for analysis – Organic carbon, pH, EC, soluble cations and anions.
  8. Study of a soil profile – Identification of rocks and minerals.
  9. Study the determination of bulk density and particle density.
  10. Study the different soil texture and soil structure.
  11. Study of a soil profile – Identification of rocks and minerals.
  12. Study the estimation of available N, P, K, S, and Zn in soils.
  13. Study the estimation of soil Ph value.
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