Lab of Plant Breeding & Genetics
List of Experiments:
- Media components and preparations.
- Performing of Sterilization techniques and Inoculation of various explants.
- Aseptic manipulation of various explants.
- Callus induction and Plant Regeneration; Micro propagation of important crops.
- Anther, Embryo and Endosperm culture; Hardening / Acclimatization of regenerated plants; Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production.
- Isolation of protoplast; Demonstration of Culturing of protoplast.
- Demonstration of Isolation of DNA.
- Demonstration of Gene transfer techniques, direct and indirect methods.
- Demonstration of Confirmation of Genetic transformation; Demonstration of gel-electrophoresis techniques.
- Study the preparation of micro slides.
- Study the Chi-square analysis and Interaction of factors.
- Study the Induction of polyploidy using colchicines’.
- Study the seed sampling.
- Study the germination analysis of Field and Horticultural crops.
- Study the Viability test of Field and Horticultural crops.
- Study the Seed dormancy and breaking methods.
- Visit to Seed production plots of Maize, Sunflower, Bajra, Rice, Sorghum, Cotton, Chilies and Vegetables.
- Visit to Seed processing Plants.
- Visit to Hybrid Seed Production farms.
- Study the botanical description and floral biology.
- Study the plant Breeder’s kit.
- Study the Hybridization techniques and precautions to be taken.
- Study the emasculation and Hybridization techniques.
- Study the field layout of experiments.
- Study the Estimation of Heritability.
- Study of quality characters of seed.