
Lab of Plant Breeding & Genetics

List of Experiments:

  1. Media components and preparations.
  2. Performing of Sterilization techniques and Inoculation of various explants.
  3. Aseptic manipulation of various explants.
  4. Callus induction and Plant Regeneration; Micro propagation of important crops.
  5. Anther, Embryo and Endosperm culture; Hardening / Acclimatization of regenerated plants; Somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production.
  6. Isolation of protoplast; Demonstration of Culturing of protoplast.
  7. Demonstration of Isolation of DNA.
  8. Demonstration of Gene transfer techniques, direct and indirect methods.
  9. Demonstration of Confirmation of Genetic transformation; Demonstration of gel-electrophoresis techniques.
  10. Study the preparation of micro slides.
  11. Study the Chi-square analysis and Interaction of factors.
  12. Study the Induction of polyploidy using colchicines’.
  13. Study the seed sampling.
  14. Study the germination analysis of Field and Horticultural crops.
  15. Study the Viability test of Field and Horticultural crops.
  16. Study the Seed dormancy and breaking methods.
  17. Visit to Seed production plots of Maize, Sunflower, Bajra, Rice, Sorghum, Cotton, Chilies and Vegetables.
  18. Visit to Seed processing Plants.
  19. Visit to Hybrid Seed Production farms.
  20. Study the botanical description and floral biology.
  21. Study the plant Breeder’s kit.
  22. Study the Hybridization techniques and precautions to be taken.
  23. Study the emasculation and Hybridization techniques.
  24. Study the field layout of experiments.
  25. Study the Estimation of Heritability.
  26. Study of quality characters of seed.
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