Lab of Horticulture & Forestry
List of Experiments:
- Demonstration of horticultural tools like containers, potting mixture, potting, depotting and repotting.
- Demonstration of plant propagation, seed propagation, scarification, and stratification; Demonstration of propagation by cuttings (soft wood, hard wood and semi-hardwood) layering (simple layering, Air layering, stooping in guava).
- Layout and planting systems (Traditional system and high density planting methods).
- Demonstration of pruning and training.
- Irrigation methods in fruit crops including Drip – Micro irrigation methods of establishment of orchard.
- Study the identification of physiological and nutritional disorders and their corrections.
- Visit to local commercial orchards.
- Application of growth regulators for improving fruit set, fruit size, quality, delaying ripening and hastening ripening.
- Study the maturity indices of different vegetable crops.
- Study the description and design of garden structures.
- Study the grading and shorting of vegetables.
- Study the layout of different systems of orchard soil management.
- Study the curing and processing techniques of spice and aromatics plant.
- Visits to different forest range.
- Study on types of pits and trenches.