
Lab of Horticulture & Forestry

List of Experiments:

  1. Demonstration of horticultural tools like containers, potting mixture, potting, depotting and repotting.
  2. Demonstration of plant propagation, seed propagation, scarification, and stratification; Demonstration of propagation by cuttings (soft wood, hard wood and semi-hardwood) layering (simple layering, Air layering, stooping in guava).
  3. Layout and planting systems (Traditional system and high density planting methods).
  4. Demonstration of pruning and training.
  5. Irrigation methods in fruit crops including Drip – Micro irrigation methods of establishment of orchard.
  6. Study the identification of physiological and nutritional disorders and their corrections.
  7. Visit to local commercial orchards.
  8. Application of growth regulators for improving fruit set, fruit size, quality, delaying ripening and hastening ripening.
  9. Study the maturity indices of different vegetable crops.
  10. Study the description and design of garden structures.
  11. Study the grading and shorting of vegetables.
  12. Study the layout of different systems of orchard soil management.
  13. Study the curing and processing techniques of spice and aromatics plant.
  14. Visits to different forest range.
  15. Study on types of pits and trenches.
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