
Lab of Biochemistry / Microbiology / Plant Physiology

List of Experiments:

  1. Study the protein estimation by Lowry method.
  2. Study the Quantitative determination of sugars.
  3. Study of familiarization with instruments, materials, glassware etc. in a microbiology laboratory.
  4. Study the methods of Sterilization and Preparation of media.
  5. Study the Plating methods for Isolation and Purification of bacteria.
  6. Study the identification of bacteria by staining methods and Biochemical tests.
  7. Preparation of solutions.
  8. Growth analysis of plants.
  9. Calculation of growth parameters.
  10. Measurement of water status in roots, stems and leaves.
  11. Measurement of water potential by Chardakov’s method.
  12. Measurement of absorption spectrum of Chloroplast pigments and fluorescence.
  13. Measurement of leaf area by various methods; Stomata frequency and index.
  14. Respirometer – Measurement of respirometer; Imbibition of seed; Optimum conditions for seed germination.
  15. Breaking seed dormancy; (a) Chemical method (b) Mechanical method; Yield analysis; Seed viability and vigour tests; Effect of ethylene on regulation of stomata.
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